
Mental Health and Substance Use Therapy


Therapy Services


Happy woman jumping with umbrella

Individual PSychotherapy

Therapy services start with a comprehensive assessment to find out about your areas of concern, goals, and strengths. We'll discuss the type of treatment, length of treatment, and goals you have during the first few sessions. 

The amount of therapy sessions can vary depending on your goals, the work done outside of sessions, and other factors and stressors in your life. Research shows that clients most often find some relief in the first few weeks of psychotherapy, and some clients may need several sessions to reach their goals while others may require a year or longer.

We will typically meet for 50-minute weekly sessions at a time that is agreed on by both of us. I will make every effort to provide you with consistency in time and frequency of your appointments.

Recovery Map + Treatment Planning

Recovery from co-occurring disorders can be complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. I specialize in working with individuals who have seen multiple providers and experienced multiple treatments for mental health and addiction. I can collaborate with other providers to provide you with comprehensive treatment.

Relapse is part of addiction, not a mistake or flaw – and I can help you make sense of the course of addiction and how it has impacted your life. Relapse does not mean starting from scratch - and therapy can help you move towards a life you want to live. We'll use a timeline approach together to consolidate information from your history, organize your strengths and assets, and help you understand your risk areas so that you don’t have to start from zero.

We'll build and maintain proof of your sobriety, including added layers of accountability to enhance your motivation in recovery. In some cases I may assist clients in navigating monitoring or licensure board requirements for medical and legal professionals.

Recovery Planning Map

Triumphant man with arms in the air

therapy for medical + legal professionals; graduate students

High stress, high stakes careers come with a multitude of challenges. Some of the issues that medical and legal professionals bring to therapy include a sense of emptiness or lack of fulfillment after a long journey obtaining a degree or license, lack of connection to work or feeling drained and ‘burned out’ from work in early career, struggling to decouple achievement and self-worth, beliefs about perfectionism, and developing alternative ways of coping.

I work with professionals in identifying values and passions, relating to unhelpful thoughts of feelings in different ways, enhancing enjoyment from a chosen career, and connecting to relationships and activities that bring joy. Additionally, some professionals I work with are interested in curbing or quitting substance use and learning sustainable ways to cope with their stress.